This Website

The very website you're viewing this on! Created from scratch to learn about static web development and display my ability to adapt and learn new technologies/languages.

Through making my own website I wanted to not only show off the work I've done in the past with all the projects shown on this site but my ability to learn from scratch new languages and technologies and apply them in a practically.

I've used website builders when putting together a portfolio before but they always left me unsatisfied. Whether it being more effort than the result I was getting or the templates provided never feeling very "me". I decided I would create one from scratch as it would give me total control over the content, the style and feel of the site.

I hadn't done any Web development since I was briefly taught HTML in highschool way back in 2014, so it was a bit of a learning process, a rewarding one, creating this site. I not only decided to start from scratch and learn static web development but I also used 11ty to generate the website. I was unfamiliar with 11ty but I decided to throw my self at it and utilise it in the creation of my website.